Arriving earlier
You can arrive up to 30 minutes before your booked arrival time at no extra cost.
If you plan to arrive more than 30 minutes before your booking starts, you can change the dates of your booking via your 'access page', which you can find in your confirmation email. Or via the booking overview in your account or the app.
Arriving later
If you arrive later than your booked entry time, that's no problem at all - you don't need to let us know. The space is yours during your booked time. You can even drive in and out as often as you like.
Need extra time?
If you haven't checked out of the parking by the end time of your booking, you will be charged per minute until you stop your parking session. The standard rates of the location apply. This is only possible if you have start your parking session through the 'acces page' or via the booking overview in your account. If you didn't start your parking session and later stay longer on the parking location, this can lead to PCN/fines for UK based locations.